Rallye Mexico 2008:
Place Two and Three for the Suzuki Drivers

Suzuki Swift Super 1600 drivers Jaan Molder and Michal Kosciuszko have finished the Rally Mexico, round one of the Junior World Rally Championship, in second and third places respectively.

In a remarkable display of consistency and reliability, the Suzuki drivers occupied two of the three podium places from the very beginning of the rally. As a result, they are now also second and third in the championship. Neither of the Suzukis had any major problems throughout the three days of the rally, despite tough and arid conditions. Neither Jaan nor Michal had ever contested Rally Mexico before, so they chose a cautious and risk-free approach in order to be sure of making the finish. Nonetheless, they still managed to enjoy a spirited battle amongst themselves, swapping positions twice on the second day of the event.

In the end Jaan ended up a minute and a half ahead of his Suzuki Sport Europe team mate, who in turn was nearly three minutes ahead of the next-placed Junior World Championship competitor. The final day of the all-gravel rally was cut short after SS18 was cancelled due to spectator overcrowding. The Suzuki drivers drove sensibly to the finish, and they are now looking forward to the next round in Jordan in April, where they will be joined by a third Swift in the hands of German driver Florian Niegel.

News from Jaan Molder (Suzuki Swift n.32):

"It's been a very demanding rally, and I'm pleased to get to the end. A second-place finish is a very good way to start the year. The car has been reliable from the very start of the rally, and after I started today with a minute over Michal it was just a question of preserving that advantage to the finish. Now we have to analyse where we are losing time in order to improve for the future."

News from Michal Kosciuszko (Suzuki Swift n.35):
"I've enjoyed this rally a great deal, and I'm very happy to be on the podium. Obviously I would have preferred to have been second like I was yesterday afternoon, but then Jaan got past me again and it was too risky to try and close the gap. My aim from the beginning was to make a solid start to the championship and I am very satisfied that we have done that. In Jordan, I'll be aiming for another podium."

News from Nobuhiro 'Monster' Tajima, Suzuki World Rally Team principal:
"Congratulations to both drivers, who have driven sensibly but quickly in these extremely tough conditions at high altitude. They have followed instructions perfectly, and the result is that we now have two Suzuki Swifts on the Junior World Championship podium, which is a great result. Now we are eagerly awaiting the next Junior round in Jordan, where we will have three Suzukis in the battle.

Day 2:
After an exciting battle that lasted throughout day two, the Suzuki Swift Super 1600s of Jaan Molder and Michal Kosciuszko are still second and third in the Junior World Rally Championship classification. Jaan started the day half a minute ahead of his Suzuki Sport Europe team mate, but he lost time in the soft and sandy conditions of SS10 - letting Michal past. The positions were reversed again on SS12, when Jaan claimed second place once more. The 20 year-old Estonian kept his place to the end of the day, despite clipping a rock in the afternoon, and he heads into the final leg of the rally one and a half minutes behind the leader Sebastien Ogier.

Both cars had no major problems during the morning - although Michal had a particularly spectacular jump on SS11, captured by several photographers! On SS13 in the afternoon his car started to broken exhaust the tough conditions and he lost some power.

Nonetheless the 22 year-old Pole ends the day in a safe third place behind Jaan, with more than a five-minute margin over the next Junior competitor. Tomorrow's action consists of just three gravelly stages before the finish back in Leon at 13:00 local time.

News from Jaan Molder (Suzuki Swift n.32):
"I've enjoyed today and I'm happy to be back in second place. We are a minute behind the leader now so we will keep pushing at the same pace tomorrow: if he has a problem or a puncture we need to be close enough to take advantage. I felt that I did not have enough traction in the sandy stages this morning, and I made some set-up changes at midday service to make the car softer. The afternoon was a lot better, although we clipped a rock that knocked the steering out of line slightly."

News from Michal Kosciuszko (Suzuki Swift n.35):
"The jump on SS11 was really spectacular: I braked a bit too late and the car went flying - I was worried that we would crash. On the next stage I didn't feel so confident and Jaan got past me: I was probably too cautious. Then the car overheated on SS12, which cost us a bit of power, and on the last proper stage of the day I didn't push hard enough again. It's better to be safe than sorry and we are still in a good position. My aim was always to be at the finish tomorrow to score points."

News from Nobuhiro 'Monster' Tajima, Suzuki World Rally Team principal:
"Both Jaan and Michal have done a good job today although they have each had their adventures, which goes to show how tough this rally is. Tomorrow there are just three stages, but they are sure to be covered in a lot of gravel so punctures are a big risk. The drivers must make sure that they take no chances that compromise their prospects of reaching the finish. So far they have driven very well, so I have every confidence that they will carry on in this productive way."

Day 1:
The Suzuki Swift Super 1600s of Jaan Molder and Michal Kosciuszko have ended the day second and third respectively in the Junior World Rally Championship classification. Despite tricky conditions on the Mexican stages - which were entirely new to both drivers - neither of them had any major problems or dramas during the 135-kilometre long day.

Running after the World Rally Cars, the Junior competitors had to avoid some big rocks that had been pulled onto the racing line by previous competitors. On these challenging surfaces, both Jaan and Michal chose to drive carefully within their limits, in order to acclimatise to their cars and the conditions on this opening round of the Junior World Rally Championship.

On SS6 both drivers had very minor incidents: Jaan lost about 10 seconds when an alternator warning light came on, whilst Michal hit a rock with the rear wheel - luckily without any consequences. Jaan is now just under a minute behind the leader, Sebastien Ogier, while Michal is 25 seconds behind Jaan.

News from Jaan Molder (Suzuki Swift n.32):
"It's been a very good day for us with no problems at all. We only had a very minor thing with the alternator on a hairpin in SS6. Apart from that I've just been concentrating on keeping a clean and tidy line. The Swift feels very good to drive, and it's clearly had some more development compared to the car I drove last year."

News from Michal Kosciuszko (Suzuki Swift n.35):
"I drove carefully today; maybe a bit too carefully in places. Everything went well but I didn't really feel at ease in SS2, which was repeated as SS5. Maybe my notes were not quite right or something like that. The stages are very beautiful and I'm really enjoying them but I need to push a bit harder tomorrow."

News from Nobuhiro 'Monster' Tajima, Suzuki World Rally Team principal:
"The Junior drivers have followed instructions perfectly so far, to get to the finish without taking any unnecessary risks. I hope they can see now how this cautious approach pays off. Relatively speaking the gaps between the top three drivers are very close. However, each driver must just focus on doing their own rally and steering clear of punctures rather than chasing the person in front. The best way to learn is by gradually increasing the pace."