Preview Tour de Corse 2007:

Rallye de France - Tour de Corse, the 7th round of the FIA Junior Rally Championship, will be held from October 11th till 14th. P-G Andersson and Urmo Aava will attend this event with a SUZUKI Swift Super 1600 manufactured by Suzuki Sport Europe. Both Suzuki's two drivers are leading the championship after the Rally Catalunya, and this final round of 2007 JRC will just determine the champion. Thus hard and exciting battles between them are expected. Aigar Pars will also participate with a Swift Super 1600. Urmo Aava and P-G Andersson will meet such expectations with aggressive and calm driving for the top of the ranking.

The Rallye de France, which is commonly known as Tour de Corse, marks its 51st anniversary since its start as "Ten Thousand Turns Rally" in 1956. JRC is held here in Corsica for the last 2 years since 2005. In 2005, Urmo Aava, from Estonia, attended the event and won the 4th prize with Susuki Ignis Super1600. Urmo also won the 2nd prize in April of the following year with Suzuki Swift Super1600 as a privateer. There is nothing preventing us from anticipating his good result.

Corsica, the 4th largest island in the Mediterranean, where is well known as the birth place of Napoleon, is located about 150km towards south east from Nice and 250km towards west from Roma. Transverse range of mountains over 2500m high are in the center of the island. Actually, most part of Corsica is highland. Though the coastal line is blessed with the mild Mediterranean climate, people in the mountainous area have to stay with the cold and unstable weather all round the year.

Indented coastline and precipitous cliffs in the mountainous area are the characteristic terrain of the west side of the island. Tour de Corse has been staged on the roads thread through the mountains in the western part of Corsica.
Narrow roads with numerous tight hairpin curves covered with rough asphalt will mercilessly test the skills of crews and the ability of the cars.

The curtain-up time of the Rallye de France is 19:30 on 11th Thursday at Place Marechal Foch in Ajaccio, a port town on the western coast of Corsica where the Rally HQ is set.

Competitors will run 16SS covering 359.32km throughout 3days from 12th. Overall length of the rally total 1,117.20km. Rally will end on 14th at the same place as the ceremoni

The Rallye de France - Tour de Corse forms a gripping finale to this year's Junior Championship, with Suzuki drivers P-G Andersson and Urmo Aava starting the event tied for the series lead with 38 points each. The situation is simple: each driver has to beat the other in order to take the title. The only certainty heading into this notoriously unpredictable all-asphalt rally is that a Suzuki driver will emerge as this year’s Junior Rally Champion. If, for any reason, the drivers finish this event still with the same number of points, then P-G will be crowned champion as he has won more rallies this year.

The Rallye de France got underway this evening with a ceremonial start in Place Foch, close to the rally headquarters and service park on the harbourside at Ajaccio.

A total of 82 competitors crossed the start ramp before heading straight into parc ferme ready for the real action that starts at 08:00 tomorrow. In total, the drivers will face 16 special stages comprising 359.32 competitive kilometres.

The Rallye de France is well-known as one of the most fearsome events on the Junior Championship calendar, with asphalt roads that feature several hairpin bends. The event has been traditionally nicknamed the ‘rally of 10,000 corners’ on account of the constant changes of direction. This year, most of the stages are brand new, meaning that nobody starts with an advantage in terms of experience. This is just one of the many unpredictable factors in Corsica, with the weather another unforeseen element that could turn the rally on its head. Although the forecast predicts dry conditions throughout all three days of the event, there is always a possibility of rain, fog and mist – particularly at high altitude.

This morning, the Junior competitors all completed a short shakedown test on roads similar to those they will experience on the rally. Both Suzuki drivers were happy with their cars and reported no problems.

News from P-G (1st in JRC points table):
“It should be an extremely exciting event! This is actually my first time on this rally while Urmo has been to Corsica twice before, but I think that this handicap should be minimised by the fact that about two-thirds of the stages are new this year. I like driving on asphalt so we just have to push as hard as possible right from the start. We know Urmo’s speed so we must try to stay on his pace and not make any mistakes. In this situation, it’s important to take it one stage at a time.”

News from Urmo (1st in JRC points table):
“I think that the outcome of the rally will probably be decided by the first person to make a mistake rather than by outright speed. I know very well what can happen, as on the last rally in Catalunya I made a mistake and picked up a puncture: this meant that I lost the chance to win. Of course you have to drive quickly as well, and I’m hoping that my experience from the past will help me this year. Corsica is a more difficult rally than Catalunya, as the roads are narrower with more hairpin bends.”

News from Nobuhiro ‘Monster’ Tajima, team principal:

“Whatever happens, this rally is a very big honour for Suzuki as a Suzuki driver will take the title at the end of it. I’ve told the drivers to enjoy the rally but above all to be there at the finish: this is the only way for either of them to become champion. In order to succeed, it is necessary to take a clean line and also to avoid punctures. The quickest way, especially in a two wheel drive car, is always the neatest and the most precise way with the correct lines through the corners. This is a sign of a champion!”